why janger?
- janger saves you time and money every step of
the way from factory to the end sale.
- janger is added at the factory so no need for
staff to handle products until they hit the store.
A major cost saving.
- janger jeans are ready for hanging and can be delivered direct to store
in their original packaging, saving valuable transport space and time.
Hang a full carton from box to rail in no more than 2 minutes.
- janger takes up no more space than the jeans
themselves, unlike old fashioned clip hangers.
Reduced shipping costs. Increased stock density.
- janger doesn’t need to be removed when trying on garments.
Integrated size identification minimises chance of jeans being mislabelled.
Increased sales.
- janger stays on the garment and goes straight back on display
if the customer decides not to purchase.
Saves time instore.
- janger is a totally unique hanging system. Jeans can
hang folded inwards or outwards, or from a single loop.
Totally versatile.
the versatile way to hang jeans, trousers and more...
hang folded inwards or outwards, or from a single loop.